Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you and it can make an immediate impression, whether positive or negative. A brighter smile keeps you looking younger, happier and healthier.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Many things can discolor your teeth. The main reasons for tooth discoloration in adults include:

  • Smoking
  • Antibiotics
  • Certain foods
  • Drinking coffee
  • Heredity
  • Age

Changes in your dentin and teeth cause internal tooth discoloration. Discoloration of the teeth from the interior is usually brought on by high fluoride levels, antibiotics used in childhood, trauma, root canal problems, tooth decay and restorations.

What Kinds of Teeth Whitening Are Available?

There are a number of ways to have your teeth whitened. Two common methods include do-it-yourself kits purchased over the counter and having your teeth whitened at a dental office.

Over the Counter Tooth Whitening

Home tooth whitening products are readily available, and inexpensive. They are quite popular, and are more effective now than they were originally. They are also easy to use.

The products available over the counter include paint on gels, whitening strips, whitening gum, whitening toothpastes and mouth trays with whitening gel. They are generally safe to use, but if any product concerns you, speak with your dentist to make sure that it is safe for your teeth.

Are Home Use Products Most Effective?

Even though home use products are inexpensive and available, tooth whiteningsmiling lady pointing to her teeth after teeth whitening procedure under the supervision of a dentist is a safer and more effective way to brighten your smile. There are good reasons to include your dentist in your teeth whitening plans.

Over the counter trays may not fit your mouth properly.

No two people have the exact same mouth shape. If you use trays that don’t fit, it could cause the whitening gel to irritate your gums by leaking out.

This also means that less of the gel will remain in contact with your teeth, doing its job.

Teeth Whitening in a Dental Office

Having your teeth whitened in your dentist’s office is still the most preferred method of whitening.

Stronger whitening agents are used, but your dentist will protect the other parts of your mouth from contact with these agents.

The best teeth whitening systems have a buffer within the gel. This protects your tooth enamel from damage.

The gel is still extremely effective, and you can have the entire whitening process done in one visit. Your dentist can brighten your teeth by up to 10 shades within just an hour.

Your dentist is the person best qualified to handle any issues arising from tooth whitening, including sensitivity in your teeth. Sensitive tooth issues are more easily handled today.

How Long Does Tooth Whitening Last?

Teeth whitening may last for a year or more, depending on your oral hygiene routine.

You can follow up your dental whitening with mild home use products, as well.

When you have your teeth whitened under the supervision of your dentist, you can have success even with sensitive teeth, and the results will last longer.